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KISSM a Staple in Kamloops Music Education History!

Did you know Kamloops Music Collective has been around for over 45 years? 

Well it’s True!

AND The Kamloops Music Collective has been putting on the Kamloops Interior Summer School of Music [KISSM] for almost as long as that! KISSM has become a staple in our community, a tradition for families to send their children to, and a place for people to fit in and explore their creativity. Youth interested in music and musical theatre gather annually for 3 weeks of fun, music, movement, theatre, and band! Music educators and performers from around the Thompson Nicola Region come together to support students and share in their enthusiasm for music and musical theatre! 

Over the decades there have been changes for good, and some things we’ve test driven and not revisited. There have been countless student faculty, teachers, and amazing distinguished guests.

Just so you can mark this epic Summer event in your calendar, KISSM 2024 is happening July 8th-26th and registration opens March 1st 2024!

We have been fortunate to offer this program for 3 weeks each Summer since 1978 (with very few exceptions). 

Some of the MANY classes and workshops we have offered during KISSM over the years have been:

  • Leadership classes

  • Orchestra

  • Piano

  • Song Writing

  • Digital Composition

  • Pit Band  

And not to mention 2023’s program… The Sounds of Summer at KISSM, a  drumline program! This was a week-long collaboration between the Kamloops Music Collective and Yamaha Canada, with guest educator Michael Beauclerc! During the program, students learned the techniques and skills from Michale that would make them an integral part of any drumline program, as well as just teaching them another form of percussion! 

Every staff member we bring on is dedicated to making sure the performers in your life have a memorable musical adventure each Summer. And the  following slideshow is just one example of what KISSM means to our participants! It includes a few of the highlights from last year’s KISSM and beyond!





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